Obituary of Tasneem Nadeem
We are sad to announce the demise of Respected
... Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return. [2:157]
Details are as follows:
Funeral Prayers
By the grace of Allah she was a Musi. she had a deep love of Khilafat and was regular in daily prayers. May Allah grant Maghfirat to the deceased and elevate her spiritual status in the heaven! Amen! May Allah also shower His mercy upon the grieved families and give them solace and fortitude and enable them to bear this loss with patience! Amen!
Close relatives of the deceased are as follows:
Eulogy by Nadeem Krithakkanteakam Sahib
My beloved wife Tasneem and I are from Kerala, India. We were residing in Durham Jama'at. Alhamdolillah my wife Tasneem was a Moosiya and strictly adhered to paying monthly Chanda. She was immensely dedicated and loyal to Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya no matter what pressures came her way. By the Grace of Allah alone, she was in the midst of completing her Masters in Education degree from the University of Toronto. She also worked full-time at the university. Despite her work and school, she always prioritized the tarbiyyat of our 3 daughters. I was always impressed with her multi-tasking and her deep understanding of how to do tarbiyyat to our children. My children are now 13, 11 and 9 and I can say with full certainty that their upbringing is due to my wife’s hard work, dedication, and countless prayers.
My wife Tasneem never compromised on her Pardah, despite getting pressured by certain people. When we moved from Dubai to Canada in 2014, she started applying to jobs because of some financial constraints. Some of the interviews weren’t successful because of her pardah. She was told by some to perhaps remove her pardah temporarily, to obtain employment. My wife vehemently refused to take off her hijab and pardah and knew that Allah would protect her and provide her with employment. She wrote to Beloved Huzur (aa) and mentioned that no matter what the consequences are, she will not be taking off her pardah and requested Huzur (aa) for prayers in obtaining a job. In couple of months time, she got a job at the University of Toronto, Alhamdolillah.
We got married in 2006, and from that day onwards, I noticed that immense blessings entered my life. Since she grew up in Canada, her method of Tarbiyyat was outstanding since she knew and understood how best to raise children in this environment. For instance, she was strict on keeping a schedule for my children so that they never missed their religious obligations. She ensured that they did not give my kids cell phones or independent use of any technology because she used to say that this is not the right time for these types of gadgets. Once when I was serving as Sadr Halqa, I had to do family counselling to a couple. She advised me to counsel them based on the principle of Islam where Allah says, “they are a garment for you, and you are a garment for them.”
One quality that I especially admired in my wife was that she never complained about anything. When we were in Dubai, we did not have much money, but despite that she didn't complain, nor did she become upset. She was content with whatever Allah gave us and ensured that despite our low income, we always gave our chanda on time. She was an ideal Mother and exemplary Wife. I will always cherish my short 16 years with her. She set the foundation for my 3 children in their religious upbringing. She ensured that they watch MTA, write letters to Huzoor, pray on time, pay their chanda, and do Pardah in school so that they know to always hold firm to the Rope of Allah. She also trained our 3 daughters to take care of the house so that they know what their responsibilities are when they get married. My wife Tasneem rarely got angry. She always showed sympathy towards others even if they had wronged her. She treated all guests with high standards of hospitality. She would prepare meals that she knew guests would like, even if she had to go out of her way to cook those items.
Tasneem was a gem. I thank Allah infinitely that He gave me the honour of being her Husband. May Allah always keep our hearts united and may Allah bless her in Janatul Firdaus. I know one day I will Inshallah reunite with Tasneem in the hereafter, but until then I hope and pray that Allah enables me to continue raising my daughters the way Tasneem did, though I know her love, care and sympathy can not be matched.
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Thank You.
Funeral Prayers

In Loving Memory
Tasneem Nadeem
1983 - 2022
who we are:
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Funeral Service is a community run service that caters to the needs of the Ahmadiyya Jama`at in the GTA. If you want to learn more about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at please visit our official website at www.alislam.org
Contact Us
1194 Matheson Blvd. East
Mississauga, ON L4W 1R2